2014年5月11日 星期日

Lac de Paladru, France

The table downstairs for breakfast and supper
A very beautiful picture through the huge glass door at the entrance

From Thonon-les-Bains Haute-Savoie I headed to Chambre d'hote of France along 1490 de la Guilletiere, 38850 Chirens.
Those guest houses were unexpectedly delighting!
Most French people are fond of keeping dogs, whom they regard as members of the family.  In the guest house I stayed at a rather big hairy dog was kept.  Though it was very big it was still a baby puppy.  All day long it was fondling with dolls.  Its master treated it as his kid.  Once it was out of sight in the big sitting room he would feel uneasy and look for it everywhere.

由Thonon-les-Bains Haute--Savoie往1490 Route de la Guilletière, 38850 Chirens, France的Chambre d'hôte進發。意想不到如此美麗和舒適的民宿。

I prefer the mountain trails to the highways so as to pass by many beautiful lakes
由Chambre d'hôte去湖Lac de Paladru只需15分鐘。
From Chambre d'hote to Lac de Paladru takes only 15 min.

Lac de Paladru, France
That guest house was so comfortable that I decided to stay there for two days and allow more time to plan my next itinerary.  I was not the only guest for there were three other groups of visitors.
I was alone by myself.  A couple from Germany brought with them bikes together with their car planning to cycle around the scenic areas.  The next day brought along an old French couple and a young French couple with a little girl. 
When I was commenting on the worrying public order of Paris the young couple instinctively gave me their phone number and told me to call them whenever I had any problem in Paris.  How kind and considerate they were!
The old gentleman was happy to talk about the merits of Chinese tea while having breakfast.  "It's really very wholesome! "

房間裝飾很別緻,左上角:房間內私人洗手間,浴室和厠所。The rooms are elegantly decorated: top left -- the private toilet and bathroom
車由最右的綠色門進入,經過砂地泊在最左的空位。The car enters through the green door on the right, through the sand-covered area, and parks on the left
At any direction at random a poetic and picturesque scene can be found ---
 therefore, all French artists just paint what they see and need not fabricate anything that does not exist.

在房間向外望如此美 From the room beautiful scenes can be viewed
同樣是房間窗外望,密雲都美。Even the dense clouds look gorgeous!

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