2013年4月29日 星期一

Le Parc national régional du vercors

在山上向下望的國家公園  The national park viewed from the mountain above
Do not take for granted a national park is just an ordinary park.  In it the paths are not neatly arranged or easy to follow.  Any time goats, deer,  rabbits and many other wild animals may suddenly appear before you.  At first I thought I could drive all my way to the national park.  I was wrong.  Cars could not have access to certain areas, which could be reached on foot only.

The higher I drove upslope the more uneasy I felt.  Mine was the only car there.   The roads were very narrow and debrised with twigs and rocks.  All of a sudden a hill of snow came up and it was very thick, up to my leg.  My car was held up.  I then tried to scoop away the snow with the fallen branches. In the sun I gradually became confident.
However,  without warning a shower of light rain fell.  "Please stop!  I am running out of time.  I have been scooping snow for an hour."
Ah!  My prayers were heard and the rain stopped!  I picked a larger branch to speed up the clearance process.  I wanted to drive forward in vain.  The road was too narrow indeed and moving in haste I might be in great danger -- falling down from the high mountain!

"If God is merciful please send someone to help me out.
  Such an act of providence would strengthen my belief in God."
Oh!  Two people showed up in the distance.  Though I did not appeal to them the gentleman came before me asking me why I was scooping snow.  And he remarked that I could drive along, and wondered if I needed their help.

Actually they were a French young couple spending their holiday in May there.  The lady was a primary school teacher.  They were like angels sent to my rescue.  The gentleman helped me drive away from the snow-covered area.  The lady told me there were not any roads ahead.  The GPS I was using was not reliable.  They offered to travel with me.   But how could I abandon my car and went away?  Moreover,  I must hurry otherwise I could not reach my destination before dark.
At last the gentleman helped me drive through the snow-covered area and suggested I go confidently forward.  They would be at my back.  They would help me out in case I had trouble again.  Of course,  I was most grateful.  Were they actually angels sent to save me?

They once asked if it was too risky to travel alone.  This mountain in fact was very secluded and normally nobody would go there.  It was really a coincidence or a miracle that we passed by there at the same time.  I told them about my prayers before meeting them.  I also firmly believe that I could survive partly because of the good deeds of my parents.  God would not allow their dear daughter to be trapped or injured.  My parents broadly smiled when I told them the incident.






This is the vast domain of the national park:  a large number of cottages and livestock roaming about on the hills

2013年4月27日 星期六

Gorges de l'Ardèche, France - the Yangtze Gorges in France 阿爾代什,法國的三峽

Leaving Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort, we did not expect we would come to Gorges de l'Ardeche and the world famous Vallon-pont-d'Arc for they were not mentioned in the itinerary.  As we came across the signposts indicating the scenic spots, we just casually followed the directions.  Ah!  How good were these recomendations!  We were in a changing Shangrila!
At Vallon pont d'Arc there were a lot of camping cars.  Many families were having a picnic.  And some people were swimming,   rowing rubber dinghy or engaged in other sports in the stream to their hearts ' content.  

剛離開了Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort,行程內沒有預算會來到Gorges de l'Ardèche 和出名的Vallon-pont-d'Arc。但沿途見到旅遊境點標誌,便隨意試試跟指示看看有路標推廌的風景。
首先經過Vallon pont d'Arc,有很多Camping Car,一家大細在野餐、游泳、亦有沿河駕駛皮划艇,各式其式。

Gorges de l'Ardèche

駕車行走D290路線,沿途先到達Pont d'Arc,向上行山路至頂的最佳瞭望處,可觀望其中一個Gorges de l'Ardèche全景。
We drove along motorway D290 and soon arrived at Pont d'Arc


餐廳內廚師推介Mock fish,是海中牛扒。味道除了鮮味,咀嚼時果然很有口感,很實在。

2013年4月24日 星期三

Saint-Rémy-de-Provence-Carrières de Lumières

這個迴旋處在 saint-just 30, décor de rond-point
The traffic-circle at Saint-just 30,decorum de rond-point
On the way lining the road on either sides
many elegant luxuriant trees are planted
經過這松樹,再向右轉便是今晚入住的Chambre d'hôte
Passing these pines and turning right I come to Chambre d'hote for the night

From Saint-Just to Saint-Remy-de-Provence I drove for more than an hour.  This village is situated at the hub of Provence and the typical life-style of Provence prevails. Walking through the  lushly shaded road I was in no time charmed by the paulownia trees over a hundred years old.
The blooming lavender fields in June were rare beautiful scenes.  But I came in April and I had to miss the marvellous sights!

由Saint-Just 到 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence大約1小時多。

這法國chambre d'hôte設計不太傳統,是新建成的。
Chambre d'hote is a new building; the design is nothing traditional

Two cars: one is the host's and the other is the only guest's, mine, viewed from my balcony
In the expansive meadow two horses belonging to the guest house are kept.  On the way I met several French men enjoying riding their horses.  Isn't that wonderful?
很光猛舒適的寢室 Brightly lit and comfortable bed room
隔隣的房間是"太陽", 而中間隔了一個中空室內庭園,植物綿延向上生長。
The room next door is the "sun" and in the middle is an indoor garden, 
in which plants can continue their climb upwards
Looking out from my balcony I command a boundless meadow.  It is a serene scene!
Breakfast is served outdoors,
which makes us feel the touch of nature

This egg dessert is more than acceptable
By the side of the guest house there was a house of similar size.  It was constructed for the grandchildren, who occasionally came here to visit their grandparents.
When I was having breakfast a small boy and a small girl came to greet me.  They were not shy before strangers like me.  In fact, they started talking with me. The boy was about four years old and the girl eight.
They wanted to teach me how to speak French, and insisted on accurate pronounciation.  They even fetched a big dictionary from the house and began teaching me like teachers!
Though I knew how to pronounce the word 'horse', I wanted to find out how they would teach me.  Casually I pointed at the two horses there and raised my question.  They worked like a team and opened the big dictionary.  I deliberately made mistakes again and again.  They looked helpless and annoyed.  How cute were they!
The grandmother seeing that they were about to get an ipad to strengthen their teaching told them not to disrupt my breakfast.  Then giving me a kiss they departed reluctantly.
Oh!  Never had I expected to be awarded two sweet kisses early in the morning!





Entering the sitting one would find it in harmony with nature outside.  The down-to-floor glass window and the indoor planned garden show the desired attachment to nature of the host

Looking carefully with the aid of a magnifying glass you would find rows of cars in the distance.  They are waiting for their turn to see the exhibition in Carrieres de Lumieres

The outside of Carrieres de Lumieres
The walls inside before the lights are off
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Terrasse à Cagnes (détail), 1905


Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Bal du Moulin de la Galette (détail), 1876
Because of the recommendation of the hostess I paid a visit to Carrieres de Lumieres.  This was an exhibition of the works of a number of impression school artists.  The visual effects were excellent.  Coupled with the matching music the atmosphere there was great indeed!  Nearby there was a sculpture park.  I could reach it easily on foot.  Admission was free.
在民宿的女主人推薦下,我參觀了Carrières de Lumières。這是多位著名印像派畫家的燈光投影畫展,很有視覺享受之餘,配合音響效果,感覺很宏偉。在展館附近有石雕公園,自由步行可見,不用入場費參觀。

Claude Monet - jardin

Claude Monet - Voyages en Méditerranée
沿途尋找餐廳,陽光猛烈,了無人煙。Along the way looking for a restaurant the sun is blazing and not a soul is found

Pont du Gard, France - 學懂如何看樹木上標記找目的地

Learning to read the symbols on a tree for guidance to go to my destination
Pont du Gard of France, a Roman Aqueduct, is situated near Remoulins in Province Pont du Gard.  This outstanding Roman architecture is now honored a cultural heritage in France. It is, in fact,  one of the most beautiful ancient Roman architectures in that area.
法國加爾橋 Pont du Gard,英文名是Roman Aqueduct,位於法國加爾省靠近Remoulins的地方,是古羅馬建築的傑作,法國的文化遺產,加爾橋渡槽是該地區最美麗的古羅馬建築之一。
另一處山路,見路牌指示前往Pont Du Gard。
On the footpath there are signs indicating how to get to Pont du Gard
The footpath is not too rugged
Relics of ancient Roman architecture
The wood the path passes through
The yellow sign indicates the right direction followed, 
to move forward and keep left
The other yellow sign means continuing to go forward to reach the destination.  
Below another sign indicates another possible route 
but the red color warns that may be more dangerous
Then sticking to the instructions of GSP I headed to Pont du Gard.  Now I came to an area administered by a certain organisation.  First I had to pay the parking fees of EUR18 before I was admitted.  However, it was almost four o'clock and I did not have much time.   I left shortly to follow a path on the hill.
When I was about to set off again a Frenchman came to me to teach me how to interpret the signs on the trees.  Following the yellow ones I would arrive at my destination ; the red one was to warn me of some possible danger ahead and a cross would indicate the route might be blocked.
Actually along the journey I came across many warm-hearted French people, who volunteered to advise me and help me.  How lucky and grateful I was!
Before leaving my home Hong Kong my uncle suggested I avoid staying alone and try joining other travellers whenever possible.  Then I could free myself from pickpockets and swindlers.  Bearing this in mind I gladly joined a big family with many adults and children to continue our journey and I really felt safe and relaxed.
Regretfully I left Pont du Gard, my destination, after taking only a few glimpses.  I did not have time to see it clearly,  I hope I will have better luck next time!
隨着GPS的指示前往Pont du Gard,而這場地是由某機構管理,首要是先付停車場泊車費EUR18,方可入場觀看。但因到達入口時已下午3點幾接近4點,剩餘參觀時間太少了,結果我改由山路前往。




今次只是嚐試怎樣找到目的地 - Pont du Gard這地方,最終只是離遠觀望便要回程,跟本談不上完整的參觀了加爾橋!下次有機會,我一定再來。

終於見到Pont du Gard  Seeing Pont du Gard at last
離遠見到Pont du Gard, 但前面是比較難行和危險路段,雖然如此,沿途的同行者已繼續向下走落山了;而我因要趕往別的地方,只好暫時到此一遊。
Pont du Gard is seen in the distance.  But the route ahead is difficult and dangerous.  The reporters still continue to go downhill.  Owing to my tight schedule I reluctantly bid it farewell

2013年4月8日 星期一

Saumur, France 法國索米爾,幸運地遇到石雕塑的好老師。

Fortunately coming across an excellent stone sculpture teacher at Saumur, France
It took me about three hours to drive from Mont St. Michel to Saumur.  I stayed at a guesthouses ABACA Lodge.  The host happened to be a stone sculptor Pierre Nouri.  He lived with his wife and kept a cat of a very special kind.  Similar to most French families today their children left to pursue their own careers when grown up.  And the rooms vacant behind were transformed into rooms for guests.  They started to run the guesthouse after some renovations to meet the required standard of guesthouses in France.
Only after meeting the host did I know he was a stone sculptor.  He had a work shop beside the guesthouse for producing his works and teaching students.  He recommended me an exhibition centre Pierre et Lumière.  There he was the instructor and had his masterpieces displayed in the main hall.  All his guests going to the exhibition centre would be given a special discount on admission fees.
由Mont St-Michel出發到Saumur索米爾,行駛高速約3個鐘車程。入住民宿ABACA lodge, 主人是一位石雕塑家Pierre Nouri,除了他和他的太太居住,還養了一隻很特別品種的貓。現今一般法國家庭,當子女長大了,搬離父母住所出外闖,家裡多出的房間便改為招呼客人,成為民宿。當然房間要經過修飾和合乎法國民宿標準才能開業。

Pierre Nouri 推介當地一間展覧館Pierre et Lumière,原來他是幫這展館教學,亦有他的作品放在展覧廳大堂。所以他的客人參觀會有優惠,憑他給我的入場劵有折。

Sculptures of churches, villages, towns and castles
Tours Cathédrale Saint-Gatien 的石雕
Stone sculpture of Tours Cathédrale Saint-Gatien
Tours Cathédrale Saint-Gatien
Inside the centre churches, villages, towns and castles were displayed as the main themes. 
St Georges des 7 voies
Le Thoureil
Chênehutte les Tuffeaux
St Hilaire, St Florent
Vieil Baugé

Among all these Tours' Cathédrale Saint-Gatien was the signature masterpiece.
They were miniatures of the actual images, delicately and exquisitely carved out, including the tiny spectators in the plazas.  Under the gentle lighting the strata appearance was brought up.  The drawings on windows and carvings on walls of the churches were clearly portrayed.
Tours 圖爾的Cathédrale Saint-Gatien聖加蒂安大教堂是其中振館之作。
Vieil-Baugé l'église
Vieil-Baugé l'église

Vieil-Baugé l'église 石雕近
Vieil-Baugé l'église
由Mont-St-Michel 行高速至Saumur, 也要3個鐘之久!
From Mont-Saint-Michel to Saumur along the highway is a three-hour driving distance
從民宿网上下載的相片,ABACA lodge的房間,很舒適而房內竟然有琴。
Chambre d'hôte, ABACA lodge. Photo par Pierre Nouri
The photo from the website of the guesthouse ABACA Lodge shows 
the room is a very comfortable one with a piano

After seeing the exhibition I returned to the guesthouses.  But Mr. Pierre Nouri asked me to go there once again.  He wanted to tell me how the sculptures were processed and produced.  What an eager and ethical teacher he was!
Once reaching the exhibition centre he led me to see his works.  At the same time he taught me how to work out the proportions between the actual architectures and the sculptures, and how to observe the relationship among the various objects and how to depend on pacing and length of the leg for calculations.
In his workshop he demonstrated the production of the basic materials by hand as well as the expected hand work.  Specially he introduced the use of natural calcium rock materials for making the models.  The natural rocks were ground into colorful grains of different calibres to yield different effects.  They were natural and their colors would be everlasting.  He also showed me how to produce color materials by grinding glass bottles.  He kept reminding me of all the details about the sculpture process and correct attitude of the sculptor.   I did learn a great deal!   He did not mind my humble background and was so kind and generous !

我參觀完展館便返回民宿,Pierre Nouri先生仍想再和我去多一次,希望講解製作雕塑過程,很有教學熱誠的老師!



Another story
The first Frenchman I taught tai ji quan

When we were having our last breakfast in the guesthouse my sculpture teacher suddenly asked me if I could teach him and his wife some tai ji quan.  I wondered why they thought I knew how to play tai ji quan. 
Actually to most foreigners tai ji,  so outstanding a Chinese cultural wholesome exercise, is taken for granted a kind of common knowledge among all Chinese people. 
Luckily, since I was a little girl my father, who happens to be a tai ji quan teacher of high esteem, started instructed me on this martial art.  I still can master it to a certain extent.
As his wife had been suffering from some eye ailments I suggested she do more eye exercises.  And the tai ji quan I taught them was the most basic forms easy to remember, including the 'Starting Form' and 'Cloud Hands'.  Only intent concentration to couple with the rhythms of breathing could bring expected good result.  I sincerely hope they will grasp the idea correctly and be truly benefited from the practice.


石雕塑家Pierre Nouri和他的愛貓
Stone sculptor Pierre Nouri and his beloved cat
Look,  how proud it is!
Pierre Nouri的示範
Pierre Nouri is demonstrating his art
In the glass bottles in the exhibition chest are the ground colorful rock materials

用鈣華石製作模型,盧瓦爾河的高山峽谷,是Pierre Nouri的作品。
The castle in the high mountain valley is a masterpiece of Pierre Nouri made from calcite material
大堂放了Candes-St-Martin 表現結構上的石雕,是結構上有難度的建築物。
In the main hall is placed Candes-St-Martin's stone sculpture displaying an architecture with high degree of structural difficulties
Pierre Nouri帶我去Candes-St-Martin實地觀察,
Pierre Nouri takes me to Candes-St-Martin 
to appreciate the actual architectures  
there and their intricate structure
Candes l'église石雕模型
Stone sculpture of Candes l'eglise
Notre Dame de Cunault石雕模型
Stone sculpture of Notre Dame de Cunault
Notre Dame de Cunault
Chicken Spaghetti
Saumur restaurant

Saumur Château
由索米爾城堡Saumur Château 望向盧瓦爾河 Loire
Saumur Chateau overlooking River Loire