2013年4月24日 星期三

Saint-Rémy-de-Provence-Carrières de Lumières

這個迴旋處在 saint-just 30, décor de rond-point
The traffic-circle at Saint-just 30,decorum de rond-point
On the way lining the road on either sides
many elegant luxuriant trees are planted
經過這松樹,再向右轉便是今晚入住的Chambre d'hôte
Passing these pines and turning right I come to Chambre d'hote for the night

From Saint-Just to Saint-Remy-de-Provence I drove for more than an hour.  This village is situated at the hub of Provence and the typical life-style of Provence prevails. Walking through the  lushly shaded road I was in no time charmed by the paulownia trees over a hundred years old.
The blooming lavender fields in June were rare beautiful scenes.  But I came in April and I had to miss the marvellous sights!

由Saint-Just 到 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence大約1小時多。

這法國chambre d'hôte設計不太傳統,是新建成的。
Chambre d'hote is a new building; the design is nothing traditional

Two cars: one is the host's and the other is the only guest's, mine, viewed from my balcony
In the expansive meadow two horses belonging to the guest house are kept.  On the way I met several French men enjoying riding their horses.  Isn't that wonderful?
很光猛舒適的寢室 Brightly lit and comfortable bed room
隔隣的房間是"太陽", 而中間隔了一個中空室內庭園,植物綿延向上生長。
The room next door is the "sun" and in the middle is an indoor garden, 
in which plants can continue their climb upwards
Looking out from my balcony I command a boundless meadow.  It is a serene scene!
Breakfast is served outdoors,
which makes us feel the touch of nature

This egg dessert is more than acceptable
By the side of the guest house there was a house of similar size.  It was constructed for the grandchildren, who occasionally came here to visit their grandparents.
When I was having breakfast a small boy and a small girl came to greet me.  They were not shy before strangers like me.  In fact, they started talking with me. The boy was about four years old and the girl eight.
They wanted to teach me how to speak French, and insisted on accurate pronounciation.  They even fetched a big dictionary from the house and began teaching me like teachers!
Though I knew how to pronounce the word 'horse', I wanted to find out how they would teach me.  Casually I pointed at the two horses there and raised my question.  They worked like a team and opened the big dictionary.  I deliberately made mistakes again and again.  They looked helpless and annoyed.  How cute were they!
The grandmother seeing that they were about to get an ipad to strengthen their teaching told them not to disrupt my breakfast.  Then giving me a kiss they departed reluctantly.
Oh!  Never had I expected to be awarded two sweet kisses early in the morning!





Entering the sitting one would find it in harmony with nature outside.  The down-to-floor glass window and the indoor planned garden show the desired attachment to nature of the host

Looking carefully with the aid of a magnifying glass you would find rows of cars in the distance.  They are waiting for their turn to see the exhibition in Carrieres de Lumieres

The outside of Carrieres de Lumieres
The walls inside before the lights are off
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Terrasse à Cagnes (détail), 1905


Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Bal du Moulin de la Galette (détail), 1876
Because of the recommendation of the hostess I paid a visit to Carrieres de Lumieres.  This was an exhibition of the works of a number of impression school artists.  The visual effects were excellent.  Coupled with the matching music the atmosphere there was great indeed!  Nearby there was a sculpture park.  I could reach it easily on foot.  Admission was free.
在民宿的女主人推薦下,我參觀了Carrières de Lumières。這是多位著名印像派畫家的燈光投影畫展,很有視覺享受之餘,配合音響效果,感覺很宏偉。在展館附近有石雕公園,自由步行可見,不用入場費參觀。

Claude Monet - jardin

Claude Monet - Voyages en Méditerranée
沿途尋找餐廳,陽光猛烈,了無人煙。Along the way looking for a restaurant the sun is blazing and not a soul is found

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