2013年5月31日 星期五

往法國雷內Reynel 途中,入了迷離境界!

On the way to Reynel in France I unknowingly entered a enchanting twilight zone! 
The sketch in this room shows the big house outside the city
Reynel, Grand House- 是入城前的大屋
The big house outside the city

From Base in Switzerland I returned to France.   We chose Reynel our first stop.  The weather was extremely bad: the heavy downpour presented a shield of white in front of us.  Luckily in the remaining ten days two more friends joined us.  We met at Vienna.  With their company we felt relaxed and confident.  Even when faced by the boundless white fields,  the towering black clouds or the limitless pine forest, we could still plucked up our courage to go forward though a little bit frightened and puzzled.
It was getting dark.  The small town looked old and deserted.  Hardly a soul was found in the street.  Nor was there any passing traffic.  It seemed we were in a dead town!  Oh,  we had forgotten that this was a settlement with only 120 residents!
It was summer time.  France should not be so dim before ten.  But the foul weather had made the place so dark.  We seemed to have got lost---we came back to the same spot after driving round and round.  At last, I took the opposite direction and went along a highway.  Fortunately at half past eight we arrived at our destination!  My companions remain quiet all along.  Maybe they were very worried and did not dare to distract me.  Actually I depended on GSP, which did give me the needed guidance.
As long as you did not follow the route suggested by the first GSP and drove in a different direction, not too deviated, the system would offer you another new route.  We came out of the maze in this simple way!

我一個人的房間蠻不錯   My room,  no bad at all!
清晨路上的田野   The fields early in the morning

Chambre d'hôte 外貌

The host loves this chicken particularly?
A lot of poultry were kept in the farm.  Each chicken has a large activity area

They are exchanging views so closely.  What's up?
遍山都是牛羣   Cattle all over the hill
The cow knowing it's being photoed poses attentively

2013年5月30日 星期四

Rhienfall, Switzerland

In Switzerland German is the most common language.  Therefore, this famous waterfall is widely known as Rhienfall.  In French it is called Chutes du Rhin.  By its side is a town New Schaffhausen.
500,000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age a great deal of water was released, which resulted in the peculiar landforms in the surroundings.  Since the 19th century the excessively large volume of flow (largest in Europe) has facilitated the generation of hydro electric power.  And this led to the industrialisation of New Schaffhagusen. 
瑞士以德語區居多,莱茵瀑布,Rhienfall 是德語,法語是Chutes du Rhin。瀑布旁有一座城鎮,稱為萊茵河畔紐豪森。

This waterfall was the berthing place of my boat.  Was that frightening?

When I was brought to this spot I was so shocked
that it seemed a tsunami was coming!

Thank God,  the boat succeeded in penetrating the rocky pillars
to bring us to see the waterfall so close --
it was very stunning and awe-inspiring indeed!
The torrent is running fast but it does not frighten the bird which is so composed

2013年5月28日 星期二

Stein am Rhein, Switzerland

Hello, ducklings, don't worry; you won't be my lunch!
Chiemsee-Camping-Rödlgries Restaurant

Leaving Salzburg, Austria we went straight back to Switzerland.  The weather in Austria was aweful : it seemed an unprecedented heavy downpour was imminent.
Meanwhile we crossed over to Germany several times.  It was rather interesting.  The lunch at Chiemsee I can't forget.  The German sausages and pork knuckle were very delicious.  Actually pork knuckle is not a usual wish there.  It was a very special local cuisine.
由奧地利Salzburg, Austria離開後便一直往瑞士回程了,因為奧地利的天色很差,好像有前所未有的暴雨即將降臨。其間經過好幾次德國,這樣的過境很有趣,途中其間在德國境的Chiemsee基姆湖午餐。Chiemsee-Camping-Rödlgries Restaurant的德國咸猪手和德國香腸味道算不錯。
德國香腸   German sausages
德國咸猪手   German pork knuckle

St Gallen, Switzerland
往施泰因進發  Set off for Stein am Rhein
After staying at St Gallen, Switzerland for one night, we went to Stein am Rhein.  It was still raining dampening the entire landscape.  But this did not dampen our spirit.  We, in fact, found it particularly intriguing.
在瑞士的聖加侖(St Gallen)留了一晚,再往施泰因(Stein am Rhein)進發。天氣仍然濛濛雨,灰灰的蓋着整個風景,但不影响我們遊玩的心情,只覺有另一番情懷。

Stein am Rhein, Switzerland

Stein am Rhein, Switzerland is a city under direct jurisdiction.  In it there are well-preserved Medieval centres with ancient streets.  And many Medieval buildings are decorated with beautiful frescoes.


Frescoes 壁畫
In fact, in 1972 Stein was awarded the prize for preserving heritage buildings.  It is the centre possessing the largest number of famous buildings among all settlements in Switzerland and even in Europe. Nowhere else can old historical buildings be so well looked after.

 Holzbrücke Diessenhofen迪森霍芬木橋
This wooden bridge links Basadingen-Schlattingen of Switzerland with Gailinger Berg-Bolderen of Germany.  The traffic is not heavy.  It is a very quiet peaceful spot, away from the hustle and bustle of the noisy world.
這木橋是車輛用作來往德國和瑞士境。連接了瑞士的巴薩丁根 - 施拉廷根Basadingen-Schlattingen和德國的Gailinger Berg-Bölderen,車輛不多,是一個很優靜,遠離繁囂的邊界。
Deutschland Schweiz 德國瑞士河(河的右边是德國,左边是瑞士) Deutschland Schweitzer, Germany on the right and Switzerland on the left

The wooden bridge allows cars, bikes and pedestrians
to go between Germany and Switzerland
Verkehrsverein Diessenhofen旅遊迪森霍芬

From my room is seen a weather cock at the steeple, which reminds me of the picture book in my childhood
德國境餐廳的沙律   The salad at the German restaurant
The steak offered at German restaurant is rather massive and salty

2013年5月21日 星期二

Spittal an der Drau, Austria

For every item there are two units designed. Today it is common to have furniture of different kinds placed together.
It took four to five hours to travel from Innsbruck to Spittal an der Drau.  On the way we had to pass through the tunnel Mallnitz-Obervellach.  But we had to leave our car for the time being,  which we took back when arriving at our destination.
由奧地利Innsbruck因斯布魯克至Spittal an der Drau斯皮特安德勞需時約4至5個鐘。途中要經過穿山車隧道Mallnitz-Obervellach才能到達,人車分別在不同車卡,直至到步才能取回車。
酒店正面  Front of the hotel
At the back of the hotel the car park on the right
The hotel Erlebnis Post - Stadthotel mit EIGENART was one with peculiar features.  Every room was designed differently.  What. I cared most was effective wifi.  After changing room a couple of times I found what I looked for.
Of course, in the process I could see the design of many other rooms.  The staff luckily were very courteous otherwise choosy people like me would have been rudely stared at, at least.
酒店Erlebnis Post - Stadthotel mit EigenART是特色酒店,每個房間都不同設計,因我要求一定上wifi,所以換了幾個房間後,終於選到一間容易上网了。
This room is very commodious: two single rooms are combined into one.
It is equipped with a bath room and two doors

穿過山的運車隧道  Tunnel penetrating the mountain
This ticket costs almost 17 Euros, ie. HK$170
After leaving the tunnel we got back to our car 
and continued our journey
運空車車卡  The compartments of the train
Passengers and their cars were separated 
until they reached their destination

2013年5月16日 星期四

Switzerland Grand Hotel-一個懷舊酒店,高雅而浪漫。

Switzerland Grand Hotel - a nostalgic hotel, elegant and romantic

From Bern through Interlaken along Brienzersee we went to Grand Hotel Giessbach AG.  This hotel was recommended by the host of the first guest house I stayed at in Switzerland.  I was advised to pick a relatively comfortable and classical hotel with certain speiality no matter what itinerary I followed.  He himself and his wife chose that hotel to celebrate their wedding anniversary.  For it was so decorated to convey an extraordinarily romantic atmosphere.
Definitely it lived up to its fame; I was more than satisfied!

由伯爾尼Bern經因特拉肯Interlaken沿布里恩茨湖 Brienzersee 到Grand Hotel Giessbach AG, Giessbach, Brienz, Switzerland。此酒店是我在瑞士第一間租住的民宿介紹給我,說無論怎樣的行程,總要住上一間較舒適經典而有特色的酒店。他和妻子便曾入住,慶祝結婚周年紀念,該酒店的佈置和氣氛是非一般的浪漫!


沿瀑布旁而立,建於山林中的古雅酒店。  By the side of a waterfall this dignified old hotel is erected
The waterfall, which is crossed by a wooden bridge, 
is facing the dining hall of the hotel

酒店大堂的大鐘  The hotel lobby
The table by a big window overlooking the lake
房間佈置古雅  The elegant nostalgic design of the room
窗外望湖境  The lake viewed through the window
酒店外觀  The grand look of the hotel

From the ceiling to the floor along the staircase crystal lanterns are set, 
glamorous but not pretentious
A glass door opens to every story; behind it is a classical piano in the corridor
由左圖:在頂層設有雜誌圖書休憩間,除了供應書本外,還有飲品和小食,讓客人閒談天說地。  中間圖: 因我的房間上wifi不太好,所以帶了手提電腦在這裡上网,又可免費飲用。  右圖: 沿樓梯間,剛好放着展覽中的插畫,是出名的"花之精靈"。
(Left: magazines and books in the rest room on top floor; snacks and drinks also provided for guests)
(Middle: in this room efficient wifi for guests like me, whose room wifi is not so functionable.  Free drinks also provided)
(Right: displayed along the stairs are some paintings, among which is the famous "Flower Genie")

瑞士這區有很多關於花精靈的禮物,包括這飾物。   There are many gifts about the "Flower Genies" including these ornaments in this districts in Switzerland.
When checking in at the front desk every guest will be offered the menu for the supper.  
I have selected lamb shoulder.  Fortunately I can feel the romantic atmosphere there and then.  
Guess what's so special?   Answer is there!

I was sitting at the table near the waterfall.  Soon came an old couple, who sat on my right.  
Only on their table a few roses were placed with some petals scattered around the dishes.  
Are they enjoying their wedding anniversary?  So delicate and so romantic!
It is not at all easy to have your better half to be with you when you are advanced in age, 
not to mention to maintain the romantic atmosphere.   Maybe only in Europe can this moving scene be found.  
In China because of our tradition and cultural background such practice is not common.  
Shall the Chinese in Hong Kong and China start learning something new?

During supper time guests are entertained by pianist

Every piece of furniture and painting on the wall in the entrance of the dining hall is so artistic
The atmosphere is beyond compare ; to lovers it's so romantic and unforgettable
人像燈是這酒店特色  Portrait lamps as ornaments in hotel lobby

When I was about to set off to continue my journey a group of early immigrants to America from Hong Kong invited me to have lunch with them, but I could not linger.  What a pity!
The five couples from America came to Switzerland to visit their friends.  What a small world!
They were my seniors in the Hong Kong Polytechnic.  It was most kind of them to cherish their friendship--to take a long long journey to see their friends!  Was that laudable?
I wonder how many of my friends will keep me company in my after life?
