2013年5月8日 星期三

Combloux - 前往法國勃朗峰Mont Blanc, Chamonix

Combloux village
Mostly I would prefer the shortest toll-free route
From Combloux the distant view of Mont Blanc can be had. Very near to Italy

The irresistible charm of the snow-capped mountain

The nearer I drew towards the snow-capped mountain the more excited I became.  Just standing in its surroundings I would feel my heart throb.

No wonder this web site was given the header of the grand appearance of the Combloux Hotel.  From Thonon-les-Bains to Combloux it was a driving distance of one hour and thirty-four minutes, along which I could feast on magnificent scenery.  Roast chicken, fresh vegetables and water were carried along and I could stop anywhere to enjoy a big meal.  Such picnicking while roaming about made me feel really free.  And such freedom was precious.  Sumptuous meals might not bring such happiness.  Sometimes, if I were in a hurry or came at the time when shops were boarded up on holiday, I  might have nothing after breakfast.  But it did not matter at all.  For beautiful scenery had me enchanted: I did not feel hungry or tired!


What is satisfaction?

To be heartily satisfied and to lead a life to the full.

My father often reminds me not to rely on others.  "Dependents solely reliant on others without making any efforts of their own are utterly shameless."  I always try my best to solve my difficulties.  I would not give up without trying my best and beg for assistance.  Even faced with formidable problems I still stubbornly pluck up my courage in the hope of overcoming it at last.
As I was by myself, I had nobody to consult whenever I had to make a decision.  I had to judge whether I was on the right track.  And if there was a warning that there was a likelihood of landslip, I had to decide to brave forward or not.  The only thing I could stick to was to be excessively careful and once finding I was wrong I would correct myself.  The GPS offered the details, which allowed me to double check my decision.  There were places of similar names in French.  One careless mistake might cost me a lot of unnecessary extra journey!  Therefore,  before setting off I always checked everything on the map and the Internet.
In this long journey I have learned a lot of ways of survival.  I was unknowingly trained to acquire greater adaptability.  In Hong Kong I am always so spoiled.  For example, to fill my car in a gasoline station I can be very well served.  But in Europe you have to help yourself.  Passing a toll station I have to press the slot machine to get my own ticket.  If my car breaks down accidentally,  or is held up by some barrier......
Money can never buy such valuable experiences--the necessary process for one to grow up.



因為是獨自旅程,沒有人一起商量好與壞。全程自己去判斷此路是否可行,如中途前面有警告指示沙石會從高處掉下,會繼續前進嗎?答案都是一邊前進一邊小心,因為未知有別的路可選。當然發現錯了路就要改正啦!不要完全倚赖GPS,多些留心現場路牌和方向,還有GPS所示的全程抵達目的地時間,雙重保障免走錯路。法文地址很多相類似的名稱,很容易由很近的半個鐘地方變了要十幾個鐘車程的地方,加配小心啊!在出發前网上地圖double check 就最好。

The romance of travelling alone

On the way from Thonon-les-bains to Combloux I happened to come across a broken bridge.  Fortunately, there were residents in a cottage near the bridge.  They drove back home at that moment, just in time to give me the much needed guidance.  Warmly they told me to go back a short distance to reach another road, by which I could go to my destination.  They even drew the route and wrote down the names of the places for me so as to guard against any misunderstanding.  Along the route I climbed up higher and higher until I almost reached the highest point before I began to climb down.  Then I saw small towns in front and I felt confident to go on. 
Actually in France many roads are so designed.  Motorists may have to go up and up for a certain distance before they start to go down and down.  To some people afraid of great heights might find this rather trying.  As for me after experiencing such quick climb up and down, I became almost fearless!
On the roads in France, no matter over the mountain or on the plain, traffic was not heavy at all.  In fact, most of the time I was the only motorist driving on the road!
Sharp bends were numerous; no clear lines or instructions were marked; no railings were erected either.  Every time when I was near the hillside, I became nervous fearing that I might fall.  It seemed I were at the edge of a precipitous cliff.  Situated in the mountains I dared not look downwards though I was quite a daring person.
At last,  after going through a lot of adventures the whole day I arrived at the target hotel or guest house.  The host usually came out to give me a warm welcome and offered me snacks  and drinks, which was so heart warming that another kind of romance resulted.
法國的山路也好,平路也好,都是沒有太多車行走,應該說好似只得我駕車在路上行走。髮夾灣也多,路上沒有明顯的分界線,近山邊亦沒有欄桿,每次靠近山邊都好似差點會跌下去,即使安全也有種懸崖峭壁的感覺,當身處群山中的時候,大胆的我也不想望下去。不過走完一天的驚險之旅,最終也找到預訂的旅館或Chambre d'hôte民宿時,屋內主人走出來迎接,並在家預備茶點招待,很窩心的,這也是另一種浪漫。

The room on the first floor, with a balcony
overlook gorgeous landscapes outside
Above: looking out from the balcony ; Below: resting place outside

The table at which I had my supper.  Appreciating the beauty of the snow-capped mountain while dining is a great experience.  Who says a person cannot be romantic when left alone?
Another beautiful view of the snow-capped mountain.
Viewed from different angles it is so marvellous just the same!

Appetiser first -- salad with duck breast

主菜是牛仔肉配薯粒批,很好味!  Main course is beef with potato pies, very yummy!

Chocolate pudding for dessert, unexpectedly large chunk!

Rest room near the reception
入夜後雪山顯得有點cool!  At night the snow-capped mountain looks a bit cool!
The town under the lights looks beautiful, different from its morning self

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