2013年5月6日 星期一

Geneva Lake-法國和瑞士交界

Geneva Lake - the border between France and Switzerland
法國境可從日內瓦湖望向瑞士洛桑區 Lausanne of Switzerland in the distance viewed from France
The French famous spring water of Evian is produced at the French side of Lake Geneva called Evian-les-Bains.  The lake water is clear and blue surrounded by varieties of tulips.  There are shopping areas and a tourism board.  Heading east along the shore of the lake tourists will enter Switzerland.  The police there usually permit access to Asian motorists to pass through without inspecting their credentials.
Minérales d'Évian Office依雲礦泉水辦公室

鬱金香盛放的季節 The blossoming season of tulips
Two scenic spots in French territory of Lake Geneva
Seeing the mouth-watering lamb and veal on the other tables I immediately placed my order but it was too late.  Such set lunch sold out!   Only Caesar Salad was left behind, looking delicious all the same.  In general, in French restaurants the quality and layout of food in dishes will never be disappointing.

Even an ordinary restaurant is up to the high standard.
A meal with a Latte charges EUR8 only
Meillerie, France -- a paradise for gourmets before entering Switzerland.
Along the shore of the lake heading east following Route Nationals D1005 I arrived at Meillerie.  On the left down along a road there was a rather renowned lakeside restaurant.  Dining there you would not feel lonesome because you would be accompanied by various kinds of birds.  Of course, bird flu was not a threat there!

Meillerie,法國 - 進入瑞士之前的美食天地。
沿著日內瓦湖的 Evian-les-Bains向東邊路線Nationals D1005來到Meillerie。靠左側向下駛,有一個相當著名的湖畔餐廳。在這裡即使獨個兒享受美食,也不會覺得寂寞,因為各種鳥類陪伴,當然少不了天鵝小姐。不用怕禽流感威脅!
標致207房車 Peugeot 207 Sedan

To have a hired car repaired one does not have to pay anything if it is a matter of mechanical problem.  And in fact the rent charged includes repair expenses.  In the repair centre I was in a new 207 Peugeot was displayed costing EUR8990.  However, I heard the new generation in France start renting cars instead of buying for repair was free and they could change car as they liked.
A new-designed Peugeot costs HK$80000 to90000
The rooftop has a design 
matching that of the traffic-circle

Special design at a French traffic-circle



The parking is near the lake

Lunching at the lakeside one enjoys the company of swans

At lakeside fish steak is a good choice at lunch

天鵝也在開餐!   The swans are having lunch!

The Swiss are fond of coming here for lunch.
They are so courteous and ask if they can assist me in taking photos

這裡的雀鳥很懂得找好地方生活,多自由!   These birds know how to pick the best place to enjoy life.  How free are they!

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