2013年5月31日 星期五

往法國雷內Reynel 途中,入了迷離境界!

On the way to Reynel in France I unknowingly entered a enchanting twilight zone! 
The sketch in this room shows the big house outside the city
Reynel, Grand House- 是入城前的大屋
The big house outside the city

From Base in Switzerland I returned to France.   We chose Reynel our first stop.  The weather was extremely bad: the heavy downpour presented a shield of white in front of us.  Luckily in the remaining ten days two more friends joined us.  We met at Vienna.  With their company we felt relaxed and confident.  Even when faced by the boundless white fields,  the towering black clouds or the limitless pine forest, we could still plucked up our courage to go forward though a little bit frightened and puzzled.
It was getting dark.  The small town looked old and deserted.  Hardly a soul was found in the street.  Nor was there any passing traffic.  It seemed we were in a dead town!  Oh,  we had forgotten that this was a settlement with only 120 residents!
It was summer time.  France should not be so dim before ten.  But the foul weather had made the place so dark.  We seemed to have got lost---we came back to the same spot after driving round and round.  At last, I took the opposite direction and went along a highway.  Fortunately at half past eight we arrived at our destination!  My companions remain quiet all along.  Maybe they were very worried and did not dare to distract me.  Actually I depended on GSP, which did give me the needed guidance.
As long as you did not follow the route suggested by the first GSP and drove in a different direction, not too deviated, the system would offer you another new route.  We came out of the maze in this simple way!

我一個人的房間蠻不錯   My room,  no bad at all!
清晨路上的田野   The fields early in the morning

Chambre d'hôte 外貌

The host loves this chicken particularly?
A lot of poultry were kept in the farm.  Each chicken has a large activity area

They are exchanging views so closely.  What's up?
遍山都是牛羣   Cattle all over the hill
The cow knowing it's being photoed poses attentively

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