2013年5月28日 星期二

Stein am Rhein, Switzerland

Hello, ducklings, don't worry; you won't be my lunch!
Chiemsee-Camping-Rödlgries Restaurant

Leaving Salzburg, Austria we went straight back to Switzerland.  The weather in Austria was aweful : it seemed an unprecedented heavy downpour was imminent.
Meanwhile we crossed over to Germany several times.  It was rather interesting.  The lunch at Chiemsee I can't forget.  The German sausages and pork knuckle were very delicious.  Actually pork knuckle is not a usual wish there.  It was a very special local cuisine.
由奧地利Salzburg, Austria離開後便一直往瑞士回程了,因為奧地利的天色很差,好像有前所未有的暴雨即將降臨。其間經過好幾次德國,這樣的過境很有趣,途中其間在德國境的Chiemsee基姆湖午餐。Chiemsee-Camping-Rödlgries Restaurant的德國咸猪手和德國香腸味道算不錯。
德國香腸   German sausages
德國咸猪手   German pork knuckle

St Gallen, Switzerland
往施泰因進發  Set off for Stein am Rhein
After staying at St Gallen, Switzerland for one night, we went to Stein am Rhein.  It was still raining dampening the entire landscape.  But this did not dampen our spirit.  We, in fact, found it particularly intriguing.
在瑞士的聖加侖(St Gallen)留了一晚,再往施泰因(Stein am Rhein)進發。天氣仍然濛濛雨,灰灰的蓋着整個風景,但不影响我們遊玩的心情,只覺有另一番情懷。

Stein am Rhein, Switzerland

Stein am Rhein, Switzerland is a city under direct jurisdiction.  In it there are well-preserved Medieval centres with ancient streets.  And many Medieval buildings are decorated with beautiful frescoes.


Frescoes 壁畫
In fact, in 1972 Stein was awarded the prize for preserving heritage buildings.  It is the centre possessing the largest number of famous buildings among all settlements in Switzerland and even in Europe. Nowhere else can old historical buildings be so well looked after.

 Holzbrücke Diessenhofen迪森霍芬木橋
This wooden bridge links Basadingen-Schlattingen of Switzerland with Gailinger Berg-Bolderen of Germany.  The traffic is not heavy.  It is a very quiet peaceful spot, away from the hustle and bustle of the noisy world.
這木橋是車輛用作來往德國和瑞士境。連接了瑞士的巴薩丁根 - 施拉廷根Basadingen-Schlattingen和德國的Gailinger Berg-Bölderen,車輛不多,是一個很優靜,遠離繁囂的邊界。
Deutschland Schweiz 德國瑞士河(河的右边是德國,左边是瑞士) Deutschland Schweitzer, Germany on the right and Switzerland on the left

The wooden bridge allows cars, bikes and pedestrians
to go between Germany and Switzerland
Verkehrsverein Diessenhofen旅遊迪森霍芬

From my room is seen a weather cock at the steeple, which reminds me of the picture book in my childhood
德國境餐廳的沙律   The salad at the German restaurant
The steak offered at German restaurant is rather massive and salty

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