2013年5月16日 星期四

Switzerland Grand Hotel-一個懷舊酒店,高雅而浪漫。

Switzerland Grand Hotel - a nostalgic hotel, elegant and romantic

From Bern through Interlaken along Brienzersee we went to Grand Hotel Giessbach AG.  This hotel was recommended by the host of the first guest house I stayed at in Switzerland.  I was advised to pick a relatively comfortable and classical hotel with certain speiality no matter what itinerary I followed.  He himself and his wife chose that hotel to celebrate their wedding anniversary.  For it was so decorated to convey an extraordinarily romantic atmosphere.
Definitely it lived up to its fame; I was more than satisfied!

由伯爾尼Bern經因特拉肯Interlaken沿布里恩茨湖 Brienzersee 到Grand Hotel Giessbach AG, Giessbach, Brienz, Switzerland。此酒店是我在瑞士第一間租住的民宿介紹給我,說無論怎樣的行程,總要住上一間較舒適經典而有特色的酒店。他和妻子便曾入住,慶祝結婚周年紀念,該酒店的佈置和氣氛是非一般的浪漫!


沿瀑布旁而立,建於山林中的古雅酒店。  By the side of a waterfall this dignified old hotel is erected
The waterfall, which is crossed by a wooden bridge, 
is facing the dining hall of the hotel

酒店大堂的大鐘  The hotel lobby
The table by a big window overlooking the lake
房間佈置古雅  The elegant nostalgic design of the room
窗外望湖境  The lake viewed through the window
酒店外觀  The grand look of the hotel

From the ceiling to the floor along the staircase crystal lanterns are set, 
glamorous but not pretentious
A glass door opens to every story; behind it is a classical piano in the corridor
由左圖:在頂層設有雜誌圖書休憩間,除了供應書本外,還有飲品和小食,讓客人閒談天說地。  中間圖: 因我的房間上wifi不太好,所以帶了手提電腦在這裡上网,又可免費飲用。  右圖: 沿樓梯間,剛好放着展覽中的插畫,是出名的"花之精靈"。
(Left: magazines and books in the rest room on top floor; snacks and drinks also provided for guests)
(Middle: in this room efficient wifi for guests like me, whose room wifi is not so functionable.  Free drinks also provided)
(Right: displayed along the stairs are some paintings, among which is the famous "Flower Genie")

瑞士這區有很多關於花精靈的禮物,包括這飾物。   There are many gifts about the "Flower Genies" including these ornaments in this districts in Switzerland.
When checking in at the front desk every guest will be offered the menu for the supper.  
I have selected lamb shoulder.  Fortunately I can feel the romantic atmosphere there and then.  
Guess what's so special?   Answer is there!

I was sitting at the table near the waterfall.  Soon came an old couple, who sat on my right.  
Only on their table a few roses were placed with some petals scattered around the dishes.  
Are they enjoying their wedding anniversary?  So delicate and so romantic!
It is not at all easy to have your better half to be with you when you are advanced in age, 
not to mention to maintain the romantic atmosphere.   Maybe only in Europe can this moving scene be found.  
In China because of our tradition and cultural background such practice is not common.  
Shall the Chinese in Hong Kong and China start learning something new?

During supper time guests are entertained by pianist

Every piece of furniture and painting on the wall in the entrance of the dining hall is so artistic
The atmosphere is beyond compare ; to lovers it's so romantic and unforgettable
人像燈是這酒店特色  Portrait lamps as ornaments in hotel lobby

When I was about to set off to continue my journey a group of early immigrants to America from Hong Kong invited me to have lunch with them, but I could not linger.  What a pity!
The five couples from America came to Switzerland to visit their friends.  What a small world!
They were my seniors in the Hong Kong Polytechnic.  It was most kind of them to cherish their friendship--to take a long long journey to see their friends!  Was that laudable?
I wonder how many of my friends will keep me company in my after life?


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